W5WUT: My amateur radio station

Table of Contents
I’m an amateur radio operator licensed in the United States under the callsign W5WUT (formerly KG5VYL). The radio bug bit me back in 2017 after attending the Overland Expo in North Carolina.
Our society depends on communication to survive. Amateur radio fills critical gaps during emergencies and it’s a great hobby to learn more about radios, electronics, computers, and just communication in general.
There’s a ham radio FAQ on the blog already that I need to update. 😉
Equipment #
Almost every conversation with a radio operator turns to “what equipment do you use?”:
- Mobile
- Kenwood TM-D710GA
- Comet SBB-1 and SBB-5
- Home
- Icom IC-746 (2m + HF)
- Icom IC-7300 (HF)
- Comet GP-3 2m/70cm
- RigExpert AA-55 ZOOM
- Portable
- Buddipole
- 6m dipole
- 20m EFHW
- Handheld
- Kenwood KH-20A
- Yaesu VX-8
Find me on the air #
I enjoy SSB and FT8 on 20m on the weekends, but during the week, you can find me on 146.520 in the San Antonio area. I hop on the KE5HBB repeater in Live Oak, TX as well.