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Installing Xen on Fedora 20

·264 words·2 mins
I’ve written about installing Xen on Fedora 19 and earlier versions on this blog before.


Installing the Xen hypervisor on Fedora 19

·596 words·3 mins
It’s been a little while since I last posted about installing Xen on Fedora, so I figured that Fedora 19’s beta release was as good a time as any to write a new post.


Installing Fedora 16 in XenServer

·207 words·1 min
Getting Fedora 16 working in XenServer isn’t the easiest thing to do, but I’ve put together a repository on GitHub that should help.

XenServer 6: Storage repository on software RAID

·760 words·4 mins
Although Citrix recommends against using software RAID with XenServer due to performance issues, I’ve had some pretty awful experiences with hardware RAID cards over the last few years.



Installing Xen 4 on Fedora 13

·85 words·1 min
Installing Xen can be a bit of a challenge for a beginner and it’s made especially difficult by distribution vendors who aren’t eager to include it in their current releases.