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AVC: denied dyntransition from sshd

·163 words·1 min
I’ve been working with some Fedora environments in chroots and I ran into a peculiar SELinux AVC denial a short while ago:

Text missing in chrome on Linux

·245 words·2 mins
I’m in the process of trying Fedora 20 on my retina MacBook and I ran into a peculiar issue with Chrome.


Installing the Xen hypervisor on Fedora 19

·596 words·3 mins
It’s been a little while since I last posted about installing Xen on Fedora, so I figured that Fedora 19’s beta release was as good a time as any to write a new post.

Presentation: Demystifying SELinux

·83 words·1 min
While rolling through my RSS feeds, I found a great presentation by David Quigley titled “Demystifying SELinux”.

Seriously, stop disabling SELinux

·147 words·1 min
After many discussions with fellow Linux users, I’ve come to realize that most seem to disable SELinux rather than understand why it’s denying access.


SELinux and .forward files

·144 words·1 min
If you want to forward e-mail from root to another user, you can usually place a .