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Moving from OS X to Linux: Day One

·1418 words·7 mins
The thought of using Linux as a manager in a highly Windows- and Mac-centric corporate environment isn’t something to be taken lightly.

Installing the Xen hypervisor on Fedora 19

·596 words·3 mins
It’s been a little while since I last posted about installing Xen on Fedora, so I figured that Fedora 19’s beta release was as good a time as any to write a new post.

Seriously, stop disabling SELinux

·147 words·1 min
After many discussions with fellow Linux users, I’ve come to realize that most seem to disable SELinux rather than understand why it’s denying access.


New Fedora and EPEL package: httpry

·229 words·2 mins
A fellow Racker showed me httpry about five years ago and I’ve had in my toolbox as a handy way to watch HTTP traffic.

Preparing for Red Hat Exams

·1006 words·5 mins
I originally wrote this post for the Rackspace Blog but I’ve posted it here just in case anyone following my blog’s feed finds it useful.

Installing Fedora 16 in XenServer

·207 words·1 min
Getting Fedora 16 working in XenServer isn’t the easiest thing to do, but I’ve put together a repository on GitHub that should help.

Kerberos for haters

·686 words·4 mins
I’ll be the first one to admit that Kerberos drives me a little insane.

Getting started with SELinux

·564 words·3 mins
I used to be one of those folks who would install Fedora, CentOS, Scientific Linux, or Red Hat and disable SELinux during the installation.

SELinux and .forward files

·144 words·1 min
If you want to forward e-mail from root to another user, you can usually place a .


Dual-primary DRBD with OCFS2

·979 words·5 mins
As promised in one of my previous posts about dual-primary DRBD and OCFS2, I’ve compiled a step-by-step guide for Fedora.

Gearing up for FUDCon 2011

·197 words·1 min
FUDCon 2011 in Tempe hasn’t even fully started yet, but it’s been well worth the trip already.