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Major Hayden

Major Hayden

A social nerd writing about everything 🤓


Raising MaxClients? Change ServerLimit.

··114 words·1 min
Remember, if you raise MaxClients for an MPM in Apache, you must raise the ServerLimit directive, which is normally set to 256 on most servers.

Rootkit Checks on RHEL

··206 words·1 min
If you think you have a rooted RHEL box, you’ll want to run the usual rkhunter, chkrootkit, and you will want to inspect for rogue processes.

Group Editing With FTP

··223 words·2 mins
So you have multiple users that need to read and write to certain files on the filesystem?

Fixing Invalid HELO’s

··329 words·2 mins
If your server is spewing an invalid HELO, you could be blacklisted pretty quickly.

Postfix – Forwarding Virtual Mailboxes

··63 words·1 min
Setting up Postfix to handle mail for a virtual domain and forward it to external mailboxes is pretty easy.