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Tweetdeck’s Chrome notifications stopped working

·298 words·2 mins·

Tweetdeck logoWith the last few weeks, I noticed that Tweetdeck’s notifications weren’t showing up in Chrome any longer. I double-checked all of the Tweetdeck settings and notifications were indeed enabled. However, I found that Tweetdeck wasn’t allowed to send notifications when I checked in my Chrome settings.

Check your settings #

To check these for yourself, hop into Chrome’s content settings. Scroll down to Notifications and click Manage Exceptions. In my case, was missing from the list entirely.

From here, you have two options: enable notifications for all sites (not ideal) or add an exception.

The big hammer approach #

To enable notifications for all sites (good for testing, not ideal in the long term), click Allow all sites to show notifications in the Notifications session.

The right way #

To enable notifications just for Tweetdeck, you may be able to add a new exception right there in the Chrome settings interface. Many users are reporting that newer versions of Chrome don’t allow for that. In that case, your fix involves editing your Chrome configuration on the command line.

Chrome preferences are in different locations depending on your OS:

  • Windows: C:\Users<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\
  • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/
  • Linux: ~/.config/google-chrome/

BEFORE EDITING ANYTHING, be sure you’ve quit Chrome and ensured that nothing Chrome-related is running in the background. Seriously. Don’t skip this step.

I’m on Linux, so I’ll open up .config/google-chrome/Default/Preferences in vim and make some edits. You’re looking for some lines that look like this:

",": {
   "last_used": {
      "notifications": 1431092689.014171

Replace those lines with this:

",*": {
   "last_used": {
      "notifications": 1414673538.301078
   "notifications": 1
",": {
   "last_used": {
      "notifications": 1431094902.014302

Save the file and start up Chrome once more. Head on over to Tweetdeck and you should now see the familiar Chrome toast notifications for Twitter updates!