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Monitoring OpenShift cron jobs

··519 words·3 mins·

Moving applications into an entirely containerized deployment, such as OpenShift or Kubernetes, requires care and attention. One aspect of both that is often overlooked is scheduled jobs, or cron jobs. ⏰

Cron jobs in OpenShift allow you to run certain containers on a regular basis and execute certain applications or scripts in those containers. You can use them to trigger GitLab CI pipelines, run certain housekeeping tasks in web applications, or run backups.

This post will cover a quick example of a cron job and how to monitor it.

Note: Almost all of these commands will work in a Kubernetes deployment by changing oc to kubectl, but your mileage may vary based on your Kubernetes version. All of these commands were tested on OpenShift 3.11.

Add a job #

Here is a really simple cron job that gets the current date:

# cronjob.yml
apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
  name: get-date
  schedule: "*/1 * * * *"
          - name: get-date
              - date

The job definition says:

  • Start a Fedora 31 container every minute
  • Run date in the container
  • Kill the container

Load this into OpenShift with: oc apply -f cronjob.yml

If you want to make more complex jobs, review the OpenShift documentation on cron job objects. The cron job API documentation has much more detail.

Bad things happen to good cron jobs #

Cron jobs come with certain limitations and these are explained in the Kuberntes documentation on cron jobs. If a cron job is missed for a certain period of time, the scheduler will think something has gone horribly wrong and it won’t schedule new jobs.

These situations include:

  • the container takes too long to start (check .spec.startingDeadlineSeconds)

  • one run of the job takes a very long time and another job can’t start (usually when concurrencyPolicy is set to Forbid)

If 100 of the jobs are missed, the scheduler will not start any new jobs. This could be a disaster for your application and it’s a good place to add monitoring.

Monitor missed cron jobs with bash #

Luckily, OpenShift makes an API available for checking on these situations where cron jobs are missed. The API sits under the following URI: /apis/batch/v1beta1/namespaces/$NAMESPACE/cronjobs/$JOBNAME

For our get-date example above, this would be: /apis/batch/v1beta1/namespaces/$NAMESPACE/cronjobs/get-date

We can monitor this job using two handy tools: curl and jq.


# Get unix time stamp of a last job run.
  curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN" \$NAMESPACE/cronjobs/get-date | \
    jq  ".status.lastScheduleTime | strptime(\"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ\") | mktime"

# Get current unix time stamp
CURRENT_DATE=$(date +%s)

# How many minutes since the last run?

DETAIL="(last run $MINUTES_SINCE_LAST_RUN minute(s) ago)"
if [[ $MINUTES_SINCE_LAST_RUN -ge 2 ]]; then
  echo -n "FAIL ${DETAIL}"
  exit 1
  echo -n "OK ${DETAIL}"
  exit 0

Note: Getting tokens for the curl request is covered in OpenShift’s Authentication documentation.

If the cron job is running normally, the script output should be:

$ ./
OK (last run 0 minute(s) ago)
$ echo $?

And when things go wrong:

$ ./
FAIL (last run 22 minute(s) ago)
$ echo $?