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Add a VLAN on a Mikrotik router

·1024 words·5 mins·

If your house is like mine, you have devices that you really trust and then there are those other devices.

My trusted device group includes my work computers, a Synology NAS, and a few other computers. The bucket of untrusted devices includes Chromecasts, TVs, tablets, phones, and whatever random devices that my kids’ friends bring over.

A VLAN helps with traffic segmentation by isolating certain traffic over the same network cable. A router can manage tons of different networks via the same downlink cable(s) to a switch or other equipment. You can tell a switch to only allow certain VLANs through a port or you can have the port only offer one network that happens to be one of your VLANs.

The best analogy for a VLAN is a cable within a cable. It’s almost like being able to add thousands of individual segmented networks in the same ethernet cable.

VLANs are possible via a networking standard called 802.1Q. Network devices add a small 802.1Q header, often called a VLAN tag, to each ethernet packet. These tags offer a way for network devices to filter traffic on a network.

It works well for devices that don’t understand VLANs, too. For example, if you have a device that isn’t VLAN-aware, you can plug it into a switch port that is configured to offer a VLAN network as the native VLAN. That device happily uses the network it is offered via the switch port without knowing that the switch is adding VLAN tags to all traffic that the device creates.

Let’s get a VLAN working on a Mikrotik router.

Adding a VLAN #

Mikrotik devices have a great command line interface and I’ll use that for this post.

In this example, my networks are set up like this:

  1. I have a default LAN network:
  2. My VLAN network is tagged with tag 15:

The basic building block of any network on a Mikrotik device is an interface. We start by creating a VLAN interface:

/interface vlan \
add interface=bridge name=vlan15 vlan-id=15

My router uses a bridge called bridge (gotta keep things simple), but you may need to use something like ether2 or ether3 if you’re using a physical network interface instead of a bridge.

Now I can add an IP address to my new network interface:

/ip address \
add address= interface=vlan15 network=

DHCP sure does make IP address configuration easier, so let’s create an address pool and a DHCP server instance for our VLAN network. Choose whatever range makes sense for you but my default is usually 10-254:

/ip pool \
add name=vlan15 ranges=

Add a DHCP server and a DHCP network configuration:

/ip dhcp-server \
add address-pool=vlan15 interface=vlan15 name=vlan15
/ip dhcp-server network
add address= dns-server= gateway=

The DHCP server uses our vlan15 address pool for handing out addresses to devices on the VLAN.

Testing the VLAN #

I like to give the VLAN a quick test with my desktop PC before I start messing around with the switch configuration. We just need to add a VLAN device via nmcli and verify that DHCP and routing are working.

Let’s add a new interface called VLAN15 to handle traffic tagged with VLAN 15:

# Replace enp7s0 with your ethernet interface name!
$ nmcli con add type vlan ifname VLAN15 con-name VLAN15 dev enp7s0 id 15
Connection 'VLAN15' (f7cd4cdf-d2ce-4dc7-9ed8-f40102ff3e42) successfully added.

Did we get an IP address and a route?

$ ip addr show dev VLAN15
7: VLAN15@enp7s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute VLAN15
       valid_lft 409sec preferred_lft 409sec
    inet6 fe80::7f62:9d9a:dc8c:3fd7/64 scope link noprefixroute 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
$ ip route show dev VLAN15 proto kernel scope link src metric 400 


Using it with a switch #

I have a Mikrotik CRS that I use for my main home switch and it handles VLAN tagging. My goal here is to trunk VLAN 15 from the router down to the switch so that a particular port ONLY exposes the VLAN 15 network to a device. I don’t want that device to have any idea that VLAN 15 even exists. It should think that there’s a regular old LAN network coming through the switch port.

This is called an access port. Devices on the port have no idea that VLAN tagging is happening on the switch, but the switch tags all traffic coming from the port.

In this example, I set up switch port ether18 to take VLAN 15 and make it available as the native VLAN to anything connected to that switch port:

# Translate VLAN 15 to the native VLAN on ether18
# This is creating the access port
/interface ethernet switch ingress-vlan-translation \
add ports=ether18 customer-vid=0 new-customer-vid=15

# Ensure that traffic tagged with VLAN 15 can exit the switch
# through the uplink to the router
/interface ethernet switch egress-vlan-tag \
add tagged-ports=ether1 vlan-id=15

# Add VLAN table entries to show which ports are members of the VLAN
/interface ethernet switch vlan \
add ports=ether1,ether18 vlan-id=15

# Don't allow anyone on port ether18 to tag their traffic with a
# different VLAN ID and circumvent our access port settings
/interface ethernet switch \
set drop-if-invalid-or-src-port-not-member-of-vlan-on-ports=ether1,ether18

At this point, I can connect a device to port ether18 and it gets an IP address via DHCP on the network automatically!

For further reading on these settings, check out Mikrotik’s wiki page of switch configuration examples.

Extra credit #

Once you begin segmenting your network, review your router configuration to see how these networks are allowed to communicate with one another. The default on Mikrotik devices is to allow internal networks to freely communicate with each other since that makes everything easier to get started. However, I don’t want my Chromecast to talk to my NAS.

Mikrotik’s IP firewalling capabilities give you lots of methods for limiting access between networks. Be sure to read up on the IP/Firewall/Filter documentation. If you use IPv6 on your network, be sure to review the IPv6/Firewall/Filter docs, too.

Even if you think that you aren’t using IPv6 internally, you might actually be using it. 😉