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Configure remote syslog for XenServer via the command line

·80 words·1 min·

Citrix has some helpful documentation online about configuring remote syslog support for XenServer using the XenCenter GUI. However, if you need to do this via configuration management or scripts, using a GUI isn’t an option.

Getting it done via the command line is relatively easy:

HOSTUUID=`xe host-list --minimal`
xe host-param-set uuid=${HOSTUUID} logging:syslog_destination=${SYSLOGHOST}
xe host-syslog-reconfigure host-uuid=${HOSTUUID}

Removing the configuration and going back to only local logging is easy as well:

HOSTUUID=`xe host-list --minimal`
xe host-param-clear uuid=${HOSTUUID} param-name=logging
xe host-syslog-reconfigure host-uuid=${HOSTUUID}