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Connect 1Password's CLI and app in i3 with lxpolkit

·610 words·3 mins·

Bitwarden became my go-to password manager a few years ago after I finally abandoned LastPass. Once I read the recent news about stolen password vaults, I was even happier that I made the switch.

My original password manager from way back in my Apple days was 1Password. It had a great user interface on the Mac and on iPhones, but I found it frustrating to use when I switched to Linux laptops and Android phones.

Lots of people in my Mastodon timeline were singing the praises of 1Password’s security and user interface after the recent LastPass news, so I decided to give it another look. It has a great CLI now and the GUI application runs well in Linux. The CLI also connects to the application via PolicyKit and it has some helpful plugins for various other CLI tools, like the AWS cli.

I decided to give 1Password another try, but then I ran into a problem with the CLI. 🤔

🏃 In a hurry? Go straight to the fix.

Authentication problems #

The 1Password application was up and running and I followed the documented steps for enabling Linux authentication for the CLI. However, I still couldn’t authenticate:

$ op item list --vault Private
[ERROR] 2022/12/31 11:26:54 authorization prompt dismissed, please try again

The 1Password documentation says that the application will automatically write a polkit action file at /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/com.1password.1Password.policy to handle the authentication and that file was present:

$ ls -al /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/com.1password.1Password.policy
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1508 Dec 29 09:48 /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/com.1password.1Password.policy

In addition, the PolicyKit daemon is running:

$ ps aufx | grep polkit
polkitd     1293  0.0  0.0 2692700 26736 ?       Ssl  10:47   0:00 /usr/lib/polkit-1/polkitd --no-debug
$ rpm -qf /usr/lib/polkit-1/polkitd

Putting it together #

Then I stopped to think about what the system was telling me:

  • 1Password’s CLI says that the authentication prompt is being dismissed
  • I never saw an authentication prompt
  • The PolicyKit daemon is running properly without errors
  • Running strace on polkitd and op showed everything looking good

But wait, the policykit daemon is only half of what I needed. There needs to be some type of window manager integration to pop up an authentication prompt and I wasn’t seeing that prompt.

On i3, I use lxpolkit for policykit integration and it should have popped up some kind of prompt for me. lxpolkit is installed:

$ rpm -q lxpolkit

Then I noticed something strange. The actual lxpolkit daemon that handles the authentication prompts was not running even though it was configured to automatically start as soon as I logged in:

$ rpm -ql lxpolkit | grep autostart
$ pgrep lxpolkit
# Nothing here

My default i3 configuration starts all of these automatically with dex-autostart:

$ grep dex ~/.config/i3/config
exec --no-startup-id dex-autostart --autostart --environment i3

Then I saw the issue at the very end of the lxpolkit desktop file:

$ tail /etc/xdg/autostart/lxpolkit.desktop
Comment[tr]=Policykit Kimlik Doğrulama Aracı
Comment[uk]=Агент авторизації Policykit
Comment[zh_CN]=Policykit 认证代理
Comment[zh_TW]=Policykit 身分核對代理程式

The OnlyShowIn=LXDE means that dex-autostart will skip it when the environment is set to i3!🤦‍♂️

The fix #

I copied the desktop file into my local autostart directory and removed the last line:

$ cp /etc/xdg/autostart/lxpolkit.desktop ~/.config/autostart/
$ tail -n 5 ~/.config/autostart/lxpolkit.desktop

Then I ran dex-autostart manually to ensure it worked:

# dex-autostart --autostart --environment i3 --verbose
Autostart file: /home/major/.config/autostart/lxpolkit.desktop
Executing command: lxpolkit


$ ps aufx |grep lxpolkit
major      20432  0.0  0.0 393124 12304 pts/3    Sl   11:54   0:00 lxpolkit

I tried the 1Password command line application one more time…

1Password auth prompt via policykit

It worked! As long as the 1Password application is running and unlocked, I can use the op CLI tool with my normal Linux system authentication.