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Command Line


Tinkering with systemd’s predictable network names

·549 words·3 mins
I’ve talked about predictable network names (and seemingly unpredictable ones) on the blog before, but some readers asked me how they could alter the network naming to fit a particular situation.


GRE tunnels with systemd-networkd

·868 words·5 mins
Switching to systemd-networkd for managing your networking interfaces makes things quite a bit simpler over standard networking scripts or NetworkManager.

Understanding systemd’s predictable network device names

·1310 words·7 mins
I talked a bit about systemd’s network device name in my earlier post about systemd-networkd and bonding and I received some questions about how systemd rolls through the possible names of network devices to choose the final name.

Using ZoneMinder with a Logitech C270 webcam

·272 words·2 mins
For those of you in the market for a cheap webcam for videoconferencing or home surveillance, the Logitech C270 is hard to beat at about $20-25 USD.


Install sysstat on Fedora 21

·366 words·2 mins
One of the first tools I learned about after working with Red Hat was sysstat.

Helpful Linux I/O stack diagram

·78 words·1 min
During one of my regular trips to reddit, I stumbled upon an amazingly helpful Linux I/O stack diagram:


Learn octal file permissions easily with stat

·106 words·1 min
My SANS classmates were learning how to set and recognize file permissions on a Linux server and we realized it would be helpful to display the octal value of the permissions next to the normal rwx display.

Moving from OS X to Linux: Day One

·1418 words·7 mins
The thought of using Linux as a manager in a highly Windows- and Mac-centric corporate environment isn’t something to be taken lightly.

Installing the Xen hypervisor on Fedora 19

·596 words·3 mins
It’s been a little while since I last posted about installing Xen on Fedora, so I figured that Fedora 19’s beta release was as good a time as any to write a new post.

Presentation: Demystifying SELinux

·83 words·1 min
While rolling through my RSS feeds, I found a great presentation by David Quigley titled “Demystifying SELinux”.

Seriously, stop disabling SELinux

·147 words·1 min
After many discussions with fellow Linux users, I’ve come to realize that most seem to disable SELinux rather than understand why it’s denying access.


Compare commits between two git branches

·205 words·1 min
I found myself stuck in a particularly nasty situation a few weeks ago where I had two git branches with some commits that were mixed up.

New Fedora and EPEL package: httpry

·229 words·2 mins
A fellow Racker showed me httpry about five years ago and I’ve had in my toolbox as a handy way to watch HTTP traffic.

Kerberos for haters

·686 words·4 mins
I’ll be the first one to admit that Kerberos drives me a little insane.

Getting started with SELinux

·564 words·3 mins
I used to be one of those folks who would install Fedora, CentOS, Scientific Linux, or Red Hat and disable SELinux during the installation.

XenServer 6: Storage repository on software RAID

·760 words·4 mins
Although Citrix recommends against using software RAID with XenServer due to performance issues, I’ve had some pretty awful experiences with hardware RAID cards over the last few years.

SELinux and .forward files

·144 words·1 min
If you want to forward e-mail from root to another user, you can usually place a .


Dual-primary DRBD with OCFS2

·979 words·5 mins
As promised in one of my previous posts about dual-primary DRBD and OCFS2, I’ve compiled a step-by-step guide for Fedora.

Single boot Linux on an Intel Mac Mini

·576 words·3 mins
After reading the title of this post, you might wonder “Why would someone pay for a Mac Mini and then not use OS X with it?


Keep web servers in sync with DRBD and OCFS2

·535 words·3 mins
The guide to redundant cloud hosting that I wrote recently will need some adjustments as I’ve fallen hard for the performance and reliability of DRBD and OCFS2.