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Major Hayden

Major Hayden

A social nerd writing about everything 🤓


Add CloudFront CDN to a Ghost blog

··1972 words·10 mins
Adding an AWS CloudFront CDN distribution to a Ghost blog improves response times on an already fast blogging platform and increases security along the way. ⚡

Deploy a containerized Ghost blog 👻

··1130 words·6 mins
Ghost delivers a great self-hosted blogging platform that deploys well in containers. Let’s deploy it on CoreOS along with Caddy. ️📝

Engineering through layoffs

··1457 words·7 mins
Layoffs create traumatic times for many. Find ways to break through the frustration and pain. For those that stay, your ability to influence the business can grow. 🪴

CoreOS as a pet

··1144 words·6 mins
CoreOS provides a fast track to running containers with a light weight immutable OS underneath. This doesn’t mean that you can’t keep it around as a pet instance. 🐕